Racine County continues to be a top choice in Wisconsin for those looking for a place to work, play and live. I will champion investment in future projects to ensure the County continues to grow and thrive as well as provide steady stewardship of projects underway that will continue to make us an attractive choice for industry, tourists and families alike.
Keeping the community safe is the number one priority. In order to do that, we must ensure we are equipping our public safety professionals with everything they need to get the job done. I will support our public safety agencies as they identify the needed solutions that will ensure fast response, effective incident management and superior interoperability between partnering agencies.
Our collective health is our greatest asset. I am committed to providing world class public health resources for our residents ranging from assuring primary health care access as well as a wide array of mental health treatment options with a special emphasis on youth and veteran care.

If you live in Racine County, it goes without saying why its such a great place to live, work and play. Whether its the ability to always have something fun to do with events that are offered, the hundreds of thriving businesses and companies that employ our residents and the surrounding community, our beautiful marina, river, lakefront, parks and beach that provide great opportunities for rest and relaxation, it is easy to see why Racine County is such a special place.
I’m running for Racine County Executive because I want to provide the leadership that will continue the great work that has been put in motion by an exceptional public servant. My goal is to guide the County into its next phase of growth and development, providing the steady hand at the helm needed to carry forward Jonathan Delagrave’s legacy and steward his projects through to completion. Whether it’s the 911 communication system upgrade, improvements to roadway infrastructure, mental health center, youth development & care center or public safety facility construction, we have exciting projects underway. I look forward to the collaboration that will take our residents and businesses into the future.
By working with private industry, our talented County departments and the community at large, I will be a steady hand at the helm to ensure we are building robust economic development, enhancing public safety and strengthening public health so that Racine County continues to equip its workforce with the tools they need to continue to offer world class services to its residents in the most cost-effective way possible.
-Lorenzo Santos
About Lorenzo
Lorenzo Santos is the middle child, along with his twin, among five other siblings. His father was a career Naval Dental Officer, introducing him to military life and affording Lorenzo the opportunity to live in many places across the country as well as see the world. He has lived in King George, VA, Okinawa, Japan, Bethesda, Maryland, and Newport, Rhode Island as a child. His mother was a stay-at-home Mom that ensured their big military family always had what it needed while his father was away serving the country. In school, Lorenzo participated in football, track, cross country, theatre, Mock Trial, as well as Army and Navy JROTC. Outside of school, he participated in the Naval Sea Cadet Corps, achieving the rank of Chief Petty Officer, the program's equivalent to the Boy Scouts' Eagle Scout rank. Lorenzo's twin, Lavontay and older brother Frank also serve in the military in the active-duty Marine Corps and Army Reserve respectively.
Santos is a 2013 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations. He also holds a Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security from George Washington University. He has served on active duty in the Navy in the Surface Warfare Officer community and currently serves in the Navy Reserve as an Intelligence Officer. He moved to Racine in April of 2018 for his first job after the military as a Regional Sales Manager for major Hearth and HVAC manufacturer DuraVent. This job had Lorenzo on the road most weeks Tuesday through Friday throughout the Midwest checking on customers and deepend his love for the Midwest and his new home in Racine. Lorenzo is currently an Emergency Manager for Racine County. His professional qualifications include Wisconsin Professional Certified Emergency Manager, FEMA Certified Continuity Practitioner, Professional Certificate in Cybersecurity and Project Management.
Santos’s background and experience in the private sector as a Regional Sales Manager representing 12 states will help guide his decision making and approach to industry and private-public partnerships as he continues to build robust economic development throughout Racine County. His experience living across the country and traveling the world has allowed him to understand different perspectives and collaborate with people from all different backgrounds and walks of life toward common goals. His time in the military has taught him leadership, strategic planning and the value of teamwork. As an Emergency Manager, he currently works with a broad range of stakeholders throughout County government from Law Enforcement, Fire Service to Public Health, and a wide array of non-profit organizations giving him valuable insight into how to get things done.
Outside of work, Lorenzo serves on the City of Racine’s Transit Commision, helping shape policy that ensures safe, affordable and reliable transportation to the Racine community. He is a member of Racine Founder's Rotary Club, Truman National Security Project, and the American Legion, among others. After being able to live in many places throughout the country and see the world, Lorenzo is proud to call Racine County home as he chose to build roots by the Root River.